There is a Panopto app available for Microsoft Teams, so that recorded Teams Meetings will automatically ingest. This can be set up individually, and additionally set up for Teams to allow custom shared folders. This guide will run through authentication for both individuals and Teams.
Before You Start
- In the Teams sidebar, either click the three dots or the "Apps" tab below to pull up the "Search for Apps" search bar.
- Search for "Panopto", and click "Open" or "Add".
- You will be asked to sign in. When you click on the "Sign In" button, a blank pop-up window will appear for a few seconds and then disappear. This is Panopto searching for your GCC account, and is normal.
- Under "Settings", click "Authenticate" to start sending your personal Teams Meetings to Panopto.
- On the left side of the "Settings" tab, you can set up your Teams to ingest to Panopto. Make sure to only authenticate teams that you own; only one GCC account can be attached to a Team for Panopto. Select the desired team, click "Authenticate", and Panopto will run you through setup.
- By default, all meeting recordings will go to your default Panopto folder. If you would like to send meeting recordings from Teams to a separate folder, first create that folder in Panopto. Then, click "Edit" next to the folder name under "Default Recordings Folder", and search for your newly created folder. Avoid using generic folder names, as this may result in incorrect recording locations.
- Recordings may take a while to ingest. If you don't see your recording after your meeting, try checking again after at least 30 minutes. Recordings are also saved in the meeting's Chat under the "Chat" tab.
Additional Resources