Report an Issue

What Is It?

STOP! - Is this a issue or a service request?  If a request Please Log-In to the support portal and submit a request. The Reporting an Issue service is designed for instances where an appropriate service request cannot be found or there is an issue with an existing service. This option ensures that any gaps in service or unexpected problems are communicated directly to the IT department for assessment and resolution.

Who Is Eligible to Use It?

This service is accessible to all members of the GCC community, including faculty, staff, students, and the public. It is particularly useful for addressing issues that do not fall under the predefined service categories or when encountering problems with the service portal itself.

Where Can I Get It?

To report a problem, please click the "Report an Issue" button located on the right side of the IT service portal. You will need to complete the information form, describing the issue in detail and specifying any relevant circumstances. This will help our IT team understand the context and severity of the problem and prioritize their response accordingly.

Is the service broken?

If you're experiencing issues with our service, please click on 'Report an Issue' to let us know. We'll work to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.