Panopto: An Overview


Panopto is GCC's official video creation, editing, and storage system.  Faculty are its primary users-- mostly for video storage-- as Panopto is linked to Brightspace, allowing faculty to create links to Panopto videos in their Brightspace courses, thereby allowing students to simply click the link to view videos.  Staff also have access to all Panopto video tools, functions, and their video storage library.  Visit and enter your GCC login credentials if prompt



Panopto is GCC's official video creation, editing, and storage system.  Faculty are its primary users-- mostly for video storage-- as Panopto is linked to Brightspace, allowing faculty to create links to Panopto videos in their Brightspace courses, thereby allowing students to simply click the link to view videos.  Staff also have access to all Panopto video tools, functions, and their video storage library.  Visit and enter your GCC login credentials if prompted. 

Before You Start

All GCC faculty and staff have access to Panopto, but must first sign into the library to "activate" their account.  Visit and enter your GCC login credential if prompted. 

Consider which video services and tools you need?  Most people use Panopto to store videos, but there are basic creation, editing, sharing tools as well.  


  1. First-time Panopto users must "activate" their account by visiting and entering their GCC login credentials if prompted.
  2. Determine your specific goal for accessing or using Panopto on this occasion? For example:
    • Add a video obtained from an outside-GCC source (i.e., not created in Panopto, Zoom, or Teams)- Visit the library and use the Upload tool to add the video to your library
    • Add a recorded Zoom or Team meeting to your Panopto library?  Recordings made through your GCC-affiliated accounts will automatically ingest into your library.  Access the library, then My Folder, then recording should appear in the Recorded Meetings sub-folder. 
    • Create a video using Panopto.  Access library, click green Create button and follow directions provided.
  3. Panopto provides a robust support site, containing how-to documents and videos on a variety of helpful topics.  Visit
  4. If you have technical problems or questions about Panopto, submit a Panopto help request in the Service Catalog section of Team Dynamix.

Additional Resources

  • If applicable link to other articles, pages, etc



Article ID: 2462
Wed 1/8/25 9:50 AM
Wed 1/15/25 8:41 AM