Combine and Separate Audio Output in T119A and T119B


This article provides a link to a short video to demonstrates how to combine or separate the audio output in Rooms T119A and T119B.  ​​​​​​When an event requiring audio (e.g., video, lecture) occurs in both rooms, you will follow steps to set audio to output to ceiling speakers in both rooms.  When an event occurs only in T119A, then follow steps to limit output to the T119A ceiling speakers.  Access the Room T119B computer and AV system to manage audio output for that room's ceiling speakers al



This article provides a link to a short video to demonstrates how to combine or separate the audio output in Rooms T119A and T119B.  ​​​​​​When an event requiring audio (e.g., video, lecture) occurs in both rooms, you will follow steps to set audio to output to ceiling speakers in both rooms.  When an event occurs only in T119A, then follow steps to limit output to the T119A ceiling speakers.  Access the Room T119B computer and AV system to manage audio output for that room's ceiling speakers alone-- i.e., an event just occurring in T119B.

Before You Start

What they need to know or have access to:

  • Determine if your event requires/involves audio output (e.g., lecture, video) and if it is taking place in Room T119A, both T119A and T119B, or just in T119B.
  • This document only pertains to audio events occurring in T119A alone or T119A and B together (i.e., dividing wall open)


  1. Watch the video on the T119A computer and follow the steps-- 

Additional Resources

  • N/A



Article ID: 1739
Wed 12/4/24 9:33 AM
Wed 1/15/25 8:34 AM

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