How Do I Submit Content to Be Displayed on GCC Digital Signage?


This article explains how to submit a request to post content on one or more digital signage locations on the Batavia campus. 

Before You Start

  1. Determine which digital signage location(s) you wish to target with your message
  2. Slides on signage systems typically are displayed for 7-10 seconds.  Design your message with this display time in mind.
  3. MarCom will assist you in refining your message, from content density, color choices, and size/resolution
  4. Digital signage requests on behalf of external clients must arranged by the Events Office with MarCom


  1. Internal-GCC clients- Complete and submit the MarCom form,RequestProject.vm
  2. Note that this MarCom form may be used for the street-side digital sign as well as other signage insides GCC Batavia buildings
  3. External-GCC clients- Contact

Additional Resources